Tia Gray

Tia Gray is a 3rd Year PhD student in the Materials Science and NanoEngineering department. Originally from Columbus, Georgia, she moved to Houston in 2017 and completed her B.S. in Electrical and Computer Engineering (also at Rice!) in 2021. Her current research work focuses on the growth, processing, and characterization of diamond material for electronic device applications. She loves working with young minds and is passionate about creating opportunities for students to explore their scientific interests. She is a recipient of the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship and a fellow of the Rice NSF National Research Traineeship Bioelectronics Program. As President of the BGSA, Tia looks forward to engaging with students and fostering community amongst the Black graduate community at Rice. In her spare time, Tia enjoys working out, dancing, reading, playing the ukulele, thrifting, and consuming way too much tea.